Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yummy Sugar Cookies!

Hi Everyone!

So tonight I'd like to share a recipe that I tried around Easter with my friend Jamie. It's a pretty simple recipe we found online, and we made just a few adjustments to it. In the end, the result we got was exactly what we hoped for. The cookies were the perfect balance between hard and soft and tasted wonderful! :)

See the recipe below!

When we decided to make cookies, we chose to follow this recipe:


When we made it, we cut the recipe in half so that it made 30 cookies. (You can change the settings above instructions so that it suits 30 servings, and then it will automatically adjust the quantities of ingredients for you)

Following this, we proceeded through the steps and made a few adjustments:

1. Once you've mixed the additional quantities, add about another quarter cup of melted butter, or as much as you need for the dough to become soft enough to move easily. (It had a bit of a shine from the butter)
2. Add one more teaspoon of vanilla. (We tasted the dough to see how we felt the flavour was, and decided this would be the right amount for us, but you can adjust this to your preference)
3. We added a bunch of coloured sprinkles to add colour to the plain cookies! :)

We baked them for about the given amount of time at the same temperature, but took them out a minute or two early I believe, just when the edges were golden, but the middles still looked soft. Then we let them cool for around 20 minutes. :)

Finally, we left some of them plain (which still tasted really yummy), but decorated about 3/4 of them using storebought Betty Crocker's Rich & Creamy Vanilla Icing and some more sprinkles. The icing went really well with this recipe and tasted great with this, but I think it could be even better if you made homemade frosting. :)

Then, they looked like this! :) :) All ready to eat. :)

Also, as you can see, we made ours mostly easter-themed, but you could make them for any occasion using different coloured sprinkles or cookie cutters. :)

I hope you enjoy these! :)
Let me know if you'd like me to post some more of my fave recipes! :)

-H xx

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